
Stéphane Mallat Honored as Officier de la Légion d’honneur

On July 11 Stéphane Mallat, Pr[AI]rie chair, has been awarded the prestigious title of “Officier de la Légion d’honneur” (Officer of the French Legion of Honor). The announcement recognizes Mallat’s groundbreaking contributions to the fields of wavelet theory, signal processing, and machine learning.

The Légion d’honneur, established by Napoleon Bonaparte in 1802, is the highest French order of merit, awarded for excellent civil or military conduct. Mallat’s promotion to Officier underscores his exceptional achievements and the impact of his research on modern science and technology.


European Inventor Award 2024 for Cordelia Schmid

We are proud to announce that Pr[AI]rie chair Cordelia Schmid won the European Inventor Award 2024 in the “Research” category for her pioneering work with computers and AI. Congratulations!

Watch her story.

Watch replay from the award ceremony.

Get to know other winners.


The European Inventor Award pays tribute to inventors worldwide. It celebrates those who transform their ideas into technological progress, economic growth or improvements to our daily lives. Launched in 2006, the Award gives inventors the recognition they deserve and, like any good competition, it acts as an incentive for others.


LREC-COLING 2024 Best student paper award

The ICCL best student paper award at the joint LREC-COLING 2024 conference was awarded to Niyati Bafna, Cristina España-Bonet, Josef van Genabith and Pr[AI]rie chairs Benoît Sagot and Rachel Bawden.

Their paper was entitled “When Your Cousin Has the Right Connections: Unsupervised Bilingual Lexicon Induction for Related Data-Imbalanced Languages”.

Niyati was an engineer in the ALMANaCH projet-team at Inria Paris for 8 months from October 2022 to June 2023, co-supervised as part of an Inria-DFKI collaboration by Benoît and Rachel for ALMAnaCH and Cristina and Josef at the DFKI in Saarbrücken, Germany.


European project CLARA on AI for neurodegenerative disorders awarded 15M€

We are happy to announce that project CLARA has been awarded 15M€ by the European Union. The project is funded under the "Horizon Europe - Teaming for Excellence" which aims at creating excellence centers in widening countries with the help of leading EU institutions.

CLARA will allow creating the “Center for Artificial Intelligence and Quantum Computing in System Brain Research” in the Czech Republic, teaming up with a French and a German partner.

For France, the project is led by Olivier Colliot, Pr[AI]rie Chair holder and CNRS Research Director at the Paris Brain Institute. Other partners include the International Neurodegenerative Disorders Research Center (INDRC), the Czech Technical University, the Technical University of Ostrava, St. Anne’s University Hospital (Czech Republic) and the Leibniz Supercomputing Centre (Germany). Other participants include Pr[AI]rie Chair holder Ninon Burgos and former Pr[AI]rie Chair holder Josef Sivic (now with Czech Technical University).

First contacts that led to this success were made during the Czech-French Workshop on Artificial Intelligence in Prague on 12-13 September 2022.


Descartes & Mauss raises 5.5m€

Descartes&Mauss, Pr[AI]rie associated partner, has raised 5.5m€ with Elaia and Polytechnique Ventures.

“We are excited by this fundraising, opening a new phase of development for Descartes&Mauss. Our objectives in the coming months are to further develop our commercial footprint and our customer platform – with a big release in the coming weeks, stay tuned !” says Maurice N’diaye, Founder & CEO.

Pr[AI]rie congratulates Descartes & Mauss for this new wave of investment and wishes you great success on this new journey!

More info


Samsung Medison to aquire Sonio

Exciting news for Sonio, Pr[AI]rie associated partner!
Samsung Medison announced its plan to acquire 100% of Sonio SAS, combining their global ultrasound expertise with Sonio's AI and Cloud software.

Estblished in 2020, the mission of Sonio is to improve maternal and children’s health. It offers AI solution for prenatal screening and diagnosis.

This is an exciting growth opportunity that will allow to enhance maternal care worldwide. Congratulations and best of luck for this new chapter!

More information.


Pr[AI]rie-PSAI laureate of the Cluster IA Program

PR[AI]RIE - Paris School of AI (PR[AI]RIE-PSAI) project, led by PSL Research University in partnership with Université Paris Cité, CNRS, Inria and Institut Pasteur, has been awarded €75M from the Cluster IA Program, a key initiative of the France2030 strategy aimed at strengthening AI research and education.

The results have been announced by President at the Elysée Palace on 21 May.


  • The project is planned to be launched in September 2025 and it will build on the success of the PRAIRIE Institute, established in 2019.
  • It aims to position France as a global leader in AI research, education, and innovation.
  • It offers a comprehensive curriculum from undergraduate to doctoral studies, including innovative interdisciplinary programs.
  • It focuses on cutting-edge research, increasing the number of AI-focused theses, and expanding into new disciplines, including Humanities and Arts.
  • It promotes entrepreneurship with the goal of creating 50 new deep tech startups by 2030.

This is a major milestone fo AI Excellence in France!
More information


The Monte-Carlo “International Woman of the Year 2024” award for Cordelia Schmid

Cordelia Schmid is one of the three exceptional women rewarded for their remarkable achievements with the Monte-Carlo award: "Woman of the Year 2024".

The prestigious Monte-Carlo Woman of the Year Awards recognise the achievements of remarkable women who have made a significant contribution to their communities in their respective fields. The award was created by journalist Cinzia Sgambati-Colman under the high patronage of Prince Albert II of Monaco.

This year’s 12th edition of the Monte-Carlo International Women of the Year award was dedicated to AI and Cybersecurity. Cordelia Schmid, Pr[AI)rie chair, a pioneer in computer vision, received from H.S.H. Princess Stéphanie of Monaco the prize for her entire career. It was presented at the Monaco Women Forum platform on March 22nd. Congratulations!

The other winners are Joint Research Council scientists studying Quantum Technologies (Isabella Cerutti and Petra Scudo) and Louisette Lévy-Soussan Azzoaglio, the president of “Action Innocence Monaco”.

Read more about the award here.

Photos: ©Rosanna Calo


Clément Royer, winner of the CNRS IEA 2023 call

Pr[AI]rie chair, associate professor at Université Paris Dauphine-PSL, researcher in the MILES team @ LAMSADE, is one of the 5 “International Emerging Actions 2023” call winners.

Clément Royer, Pr[AI]rie chair, an associate professor of computer science at Université Paris Dauphine-PSL and a researcher in the MILES team at LAMSADE,  is one of the 5 winners of the call “International Emerging Actions 2023” in computer sciences from the CNRS. This is a call for international mobility and more specifically an initiative aimed at encouraging the exploration of new fields of research and partnerships on an international scale through short-term missions and the organization of working meetings around a shared scientific project. Clément Royer, was rewarded for his project BONUS- Blackbox Optimization with a Novel Use of Subspaces. The project, co-led by Lindon Roberts, lecturer at the University of Sydney, focuses in the use of randomness in algorithms without derivatives, particularly in the presence of constraints on the parameters, which corresponds to both theoretical challenges and practical considerations.

Congratulations on this outstanding achievement!


Gabriel Peyré scores a hat-trick with the award of a third ERC grant

We are very pleased to announce that Gabriel Peyré, CNRS research director and professor at ENS, Pr[AI]rie chair, received an Advanced Grant from the European Research Council (ERC).

Following his 2012 ERC Starting Grant and his 2017 ERC Consolidator Grant, it is therefore the third time the ERC rewards the quality of his project proposals. That’s a remarkable achievement in the research world. His project aims to combine optimal transport and deep learning to make a significant contribution to single-cell genomics.

Congratulations for this prestigious recognition!


Inaugural lecture by Benoît Sagot at the College de France

On 30 November Benoît Sagot, the annual chair in informatics and digital sciences of the Collège de France for the academic year 2023/24, delivered his inaugural lecture.

The title of the lecture was “Apprendre les langues aux machines”. The replay is available on the College de France website.

Benoît Sagot’s current research focuses on language models, machine translation, the development of linguistic resources and computational linguistics, with a particular interest in French in all its variety and in less resourced languages.


Big success of Dauphine Digital Days

The second edition of Dauphine Digital Days, organized in partnership with PR[AI]RIE, La French Tech Grand Paris, Sciences et Avenir and Les Echos, was a great success!

Over 700 people attended these three days of conferences at Université Paris Dauphine – PSL. AI and its impact on law, health, finance, the media and business were discussed in a multi-disciplinary approach by some fifty speakers, including academic experts, institutions and players from the socio-economic sector.

 The Dauphine Digital Days ended with a prize-giving ceremony for the best scientific poster and an evening event.

Replay videos of the event can be found here.


Cordelia Schmid in “Le Monde”

Following the presentation of Körber European Science Prize 2023 to Cordelia Schmid on 8 September, we invite you to read an article that appeared recently in "Le Monde".

Awarded annually, the Körber European Science Prize honours a distinguished scientist actively conducting research in the fields of either Life Sciences or Physical Sciences in Europe.

Cordelia Schmid is a pioneer in computer-aided image processing. She developed revolutionary new procedures that enable computers to understand image content. Thanks to her algorithms, AI can locate a motif or an object in a database of images within a fraction of a second.


Prix de Mme Victor Noury/Fondation de l’Institut de France for Rayan Chikhi

Rayan Chikhi, PR[AI]RIE chair, has been awarded the "Prix de Mme Victor Noury/Fondation de l'Institut de France".

The annual prize of the Institut de France is awarded to French nationals aged 45 or under, on the recommendation of the Académie des Sciences, to encourage the development of science in its most diverse forms.

Rayan Chikhi heads the “Algorithms for biological sequences” team at the Institut Pasteur. He is interested in computer science applied to DNA sequencing data. He recently contributed to the discovery of new species of RNA viruses, including previously unrecorded coronaviruses. He is coordinating a number of national and European research projects to develop new algorithms, particularly for analysing huge databases containing all of the Earth’s genetic diversity.

The video of the awards ceremony, which took place under the dome of the Institut de France on 17 October, is available here. Congratulations!


2023 French Young Talent award for Virginie Do

Virginie Do, a former PR[AI]RIE/Meta PhD student, is one of the recipients of the 2023 French Young Talent award for Women in Science.

Crédit photo : Clémence Losfeld

Every year, the L’Oréal-Unesco Young French Talent Award for Women in Science recognises 35 talented women scientists at PhD and post-doctoral levels, with the purpose to encourage more scientific vocations in the next generation and to combat gender inequalities in science.

Virginie Do is a former PhD student in computer science at META and the Laboratoire d’Analyse et de Modélisation de Systèmes pour l’Aide à la Décision (LAMSADE). This award recognizes her PhD research on Responsible AI.



College de France annual chair for Benoît Sagot

Benoît Sagot has been elected to hold the annual chair in informatics and digital sciences of the Collège de France for the academic year 2023/24.

Created in partnership with Inria, the annual chair in Informatics and Digital Sciences reflects a shared desire to highlight the importance of this scientific discipline and the need to give it its rightful place.

Benoît Sagot’s current research focuses on language models, machine translation, the development of linguistic resources and computational linguistics, with a particular interest in French in all its variety and in less resourced languages. His course for 2023-2024 will provide an overview of this fast-changing discipline and the challenges it faces.

More information.


Amazing record: 16 gold medals at the Computer Olympiad 2023

Congratulations to Tristan Cazenave, PR[AI]RIE chair, and Quentin Cohen-Solal, postdoc PR[AI]RIE, who have won 16 gold medals at the 25th Computer Olympiad!

This way they have beaten their own record from 2021!

Quentin Cohen-Solal and Tristan Cazenave are winners in the following games: Amazons, Arimaa, Ataxx, Breakthrough, Canadian Draughts, Chinese Chess, Clobber, Havannah (8×8), Havannah (10×10), Hex (11×11), Hex (13×13), Hex (19×19), Lines of Action, Othello (10×10), Santorini.

Full results from the Computer Olympiad are available here.


Internet Defence Prize 2023 for Prairie Researchers

A paper "TreeSync: Authenticated Group Management for Messaging Layer Security" co-authored by Prairie researchers Théophile Wallez and Karthikeyan Bhargavan won both the Distinguished Paper Award and the prestigious Internet Defense Prize at the 32nd Usenix Security Symposium held in Anaheim CA between August 8-11 2023.

Karthikeyan Barghavan

This work presents a formal specification and security proof for an important component of the new Messaging Layer Security Protocol (MLS) standard and represents several years of collaboration with the IETF MLS working group.

Théophile Wallez is a PhD student in the Prosecco team at Inria Paris. His work is funded by PR[AI]RIE and focuses on the formal security and privacy analysis of large-scale multi-party cryptographic protocols.

Karthikeyan Bhargavan is Directeur de Recherche at Inria Prosecco and a Prairie Chaire. He is currently on a leave of absence to work on Cryspen, a Prairie Startup and associated partner that builds high-assurance security software for use in multiple domains, including privacy-preserving machine learning.

You can read the paper here.

About the Internet Defense Prize.


SAVE THE DATE : Dauphine Digital Days 2e édition

Dauphine Digital Days, 2e édition
du 20 au 22 novembre 2023
Santé, droit, éthique, économie, finance, médias…
IA et société : nouvelle donne, nouveaux enjeux

L’Université Paris Dauphine – PSL, en partenariat avec l’Institut 3IA PRAIRIE, vous invite à la 2e édition du cycle de conférences dédié à l’intelligence artificielle et ses impacts sur la société

Programme des conférences :

  • Quels régimes de régulation des données pour entraîner les intelligences artificielles ? – Lundi 20 nov. (14h-18h)
  • IA & Médias, quand tout s’accélère – Mardi 21 nov. (9h-12h)
  • Quelle utilisation de l’IA par les juristes ? – Mardi 21 nov. (14h-18h)
  • IA génératives : quels enjeux pour le futur du travail ? – Mardi 21 nov. (18h) par les entreprises du Cercle Dauphine Numérique, en partenariat avec la House of Entrepreneurship
  • Évaluation et régulation des services de santé numériques – Mercredi 22 nov. (9h-12h)
  • Blockchain et finance décentralisée – Mer. 22 nov. (14h-18h)

Et la Soirée Dauphine Digital Days avec la remise de Prix du meilleur poster scientifique – Mercredi 22 nov. (18h-22h)

Découvrir l’événement


PR[AI]RIE partners Llama 2

France has entered in the generative AI race, whose flagships are large language models. Convinced that open science is the path to a more inclusive and responsible AI, beneficial to society, Prairie is proud to be partnering Meta’s initiative through 3 of its researchers Jamal Atif, Jean Ponce, Benoît Sagot alongside the other partners on the occasion of the launch of Llama2, a completely open language model.

More info.