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Workshops & Seminars

Statlearn workshop


Institut d’Etudes Scientifiques de Cargèse in Corsica

The Statlearn Spring School will welcome several lecturers :
• Aurélie BOISBUNON – Datascientist, MyDataModels, Nice (France): Practical applications of the L1 penalty.
• Claire BOYER- Assistant professor in Statistics, Sorbonne Université, Paris (France) : Benign overfitting & double descent + Inference & learning with missing values.
• Julien MAIRAL – Researcher in machine learning, INRIA, Grenoble (France): Large-scale optimisation.
• Brendan Murphy – Full professor in Statistics,  University College, School of Mathematics & Statistics, Dublin (Ireland): Model based clustering.

Statlearn is a scientific workshop of the French Society of Statistics (SFdS) which focuses on current and upcoming trends in Statistical Learning. Conferences and tutorials are organized alternatively every other year since 2010. In 2022, a one-week spring-school will be held on April, 3-8, at the Institut d’Etudes Scientifiques de Cargèse in Corsica.

Pre-registration form, venue information, program details are available on Statlearn website: