Workshops & Seminars

Vers une IA égalitaire? Table ronde organisée par les instituts interdisciplinaires en intelligence artificielle (3IA)


La table ronde animée par : Agnès Helme-Guizon (CERAG UGA, membre du bureau scientifique MIAI et du COMEX) et Manel Boumegoura (Cheffe de projet MIAI)

Invités 3IA Grenoble : Violette Zechi (Responsable mission Egalité UGA), Céline Ternon (chargée de la mission égalité, INP-Grenoble Alpes)

Invités 3IA Toulouse : Marjorie Allain-Moulet, responsable commission mixité et co-pilote industrielle ANITI, Chantal Soulé-Depuy, directrice de la Graduate School ANITI et vice-présidente formation et vie étudiante de l’Univ. Toulouse 1 Capitole.

Invités 3IA Paris : Stéphanie Allassonnière, Directrice scientifique adjointe de PRAIRIE

Invités 3IA Côte d’Azur : Serena Villata, Directrice scientifique adjointe 3IA Côte d’Azur

Les femmes sont 4 fois moins nombreuses que les hommes à être diplômées des sciences de l’information. On estime à 30% le nombre de femmes travaillant dans le secteur de l’Intelligence artificielle et les sciences numériques et elles sont bien plus nombreuses à le quitter. Seulement 14,8% des fondateurs de start-up sont des femmes.[1]  L’intégration plus massive des femmes dans le domaine ne serait-elle pas source de valeur ajoutée ? La diversité dans un monde numérique ne serait-elle pas une force pour augmenter l’activité inventive dans le domaine ?

Dans la continuité de ces réflexions, les instituts nationaux interdisciplinaires en Intelligence Artificielle 3IA (MIAI@Grenoble Alpes, PRAIRIE, ANITI et 3IA Côte d’Azur), organisent une table ronde le 8 mars 2021 à 14h00 intitulée « Vers une égalité Femme/ Homme en IA : outils et dispositifs ». Cette initiative s’inscrit dans le cadre d’une série d’événements sur la parité et l’égalité dans le monde des sciences numériques en général et de l’intelligence artificielle en particulier.


[1]  Les femmes à l’ère numérique, résumé exécutif,

Workshops & Seminars

Scientific Seminar ANITI “Robust detention of out of Distribution Data”


Speaker: Matthias Hein – University of Tübingen Germany

Workshops & Seminars

Scientific Seminar ANITI “Tractable explaining”


Speaker: Martin COOPER – IRIT

This is an online event.

To connect:
Meeting ID: 938 8736 3532
Password: 796903

Workshops & Seminars

Cap’FALC Conference


Speakers: Benoit Sagot (Inria de Paris – Équipe ALMAnaCH), Louis Martin (Facebook Inria), Delphine Richard (Unapei)

This is an online event.

The health and economic crisis that is hitting France (and the world) is disrupting our habits and our reference points. Though the information transmitted by the media may allow a large part of the population to understand this exceptional situation and to find answers, people with intellectual disabilities may struggle to understand it. Faced with this observation, Unapei, Inria and Facebook Artificial Intelligence Research have combined their skills to develop a new “Easy to Read and Understand” digital tool: the Cap’FALC project.

More information on the conference can be found here (in French)

Workshops & Seminars

DHAI Seminar

12h - 14h

“Embedded Stories and Narrative Levels: a challenge for Computational Narrative”

Speaker: Pablo Gervas (Universidad Complutense de Madrid)

More information can be found here.

Workshops & Seminars

DHAI Seminar

12h - 14h

“Patrimoine et humanités numériques. Regards croisés entre archéologie et conservation-restauration des biens culturels”

Speakers: Christophe Tuffery and Grazia Nicosia (Inrap, EUR Paris Seine Université Humanités, musée du Louvre)

More information can be found here.

Workshops & Seminars

DHAI Seminar

12h - 14h

“Voir, c’est savoir”

“L’IA et la manufacture des planches au XVIIIe siècle”

“Extraction et mise en correspondances automatique d’images”

Speakers: Stavros Lazaris, Alexandre Guilbaud, Tom Monnier and Mathieu Aubry

The video can be found here.

Workshops & Seminars

DHAI Seminar

12h - 14h

“Filigranes pour tous: Historical watermarks recognition”

Speakers: Marc Smith, Oumayma Bounou (École nationale des chartes)

More information can be found here.

Workshops & Seminars

The CogAI Seminar

16h - 17h30


Speaker: Aida Nematzadeh (Deepmind), Categories and Instances in Human Cognition and AI

This seminar aims to open that dialogue between the fields of Cognitive Science and Artificial Intelligence. Speakers may come from one field or the other, but all will use this opportunity to reflect on how a pairing between the two fields can be stronger than the sum of the parts. We hope you will join us in building a common language, and a common understanding of the grand societal challenges we face today, and that together we can conquer.

More information can be found here

Workshops & Seminars

DHAI Seminar

12h - 14h

“Redefining the cultural history of newspapers with artificial intelligence: the experiments of the Numapresse project”

Speaker: Pierre-Carl Langlais (Paris-IV Sorbonne)

The video can be found here.

Workshops & Seminars

The annual workshop of the CNRS GDR LIFT (Linguistique Informatique, Formelle et de Terrain)


The talks of the workshop will address AI methods applied to rare and endangered languages, with few data for training.

More information can be found here (in French)

Workshops & Seminars

DHAI Seminar

12h - 14h

“Alignment and text comparison for digital humanities”

Speaker: Philippe Gambette (Université Paris-Est Marne-la-Vallée)





The video can be found here.

Workshops & Seminars

DHAI Seminar

12h - 14h

“Heads and Tails: When Digital Humanities and Artificial Intelligence Meet”

Joint presentation of the DHAI team, which serves as an introduction to this second season of DHAI.

The video can be found here.

Workshops & Seminars

DHAI Seminar

15h - 16h30

“Reflections on the decolonization processes and data sovereignty based on the digital and AI strategies of indigenous peoples in Canada”

Speaker: Karine Gentelet (Université du Québec en Outaouais, Canada)




The seminar will be held in the form of videoconference:

The abstract can be found here.

Workshops & Seminars

EMBO|FEBS Lecture Course: Cancer systems biology: Promises of artificial intelligence

28/09 - 02/10/2020

Speakers from different fields in cancer systems biology/Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) in cancer research and in clinics.

Leading speakers from different fields in cancer systems biology, especially from the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) in cancer research and in clinics.

The objective of this course is to promote better integration of computational approaches into biological and clinical labs and to clinics. More information here

This is an online event. To connect please use this link:

Workshops & Seminars

The DHAI Seminar

12h - 14h

“The last mile of inequality: What COVID-19 is doing to labor and automation”

Speaker: Antonio Casilli (Paris School of Telecommunications)




The seminar will be held in the form of videoconference:

The abstract can be found here.

More information can be found here.

Workshops & Seminars

The DHAI Seminar

15h - 17h

“Print, Code, Data: New Media Disruptions and Scientific Visualization”

Speakers: Sietske Fransen and Leonardo Impett (Max-Planck-Institut für Kunstgeschic)

The seminar will be held in the form of videoconference:

The abstract can be found here.

More information can be found here.

Workshops & Seminars

Workshop on computational modeling for ageing and age-related diseases


ICM Institute for Brain and Spinal Cord
47 boulevard de l’Hôpital
75013 PARIS


More details here.

Workshops & Seminars

3è colloque sur l’imagerie médicale à l’heure de l’IA


ICM Institute for Brain and Spinal Cord
47 boulevard de l’Hôpital
75013 PARIS


Workshops & Seminars

Hands-on Workshop on Machine Learning Applied to Medical Imaging


ICM Institute for Brain and Spinal Cord
47 Boulevard de l’Hôpital,
75013 Paris, France

More information and registration: