Workshops & Seminars

Workshop in Honor of Jean-Paul Laumond


Collège de France, 11 place Marcelin Berthelot, 75005 Paris, Amphithéâtre Maurice Halbwachs, rez-de-chaussé du Collège de France, après l’accueil

The registration is closed now.

The PRAIRIE 3IA Institute, LAAS-CNRS and Collège de France are happy to invite you to an international workshop in honor of the late Jean-Paul Laumond, one of the world top robotics researchers, well known for his work on nonholonomic robot control, motion planning and humanoid robotics. Jean-Paul Laumond spent most of his career at LAAS-CNRS in Toulouse, where he notably created and led the Gepetto research team as well as the Kineo Cam company, before joining the Willow team at DI/ENS, a joint unit of ENS-PSL, CNRS and Inria and becoming one of the founding Chair holders of PRAIRIE in 2019. He held the Liliane Bettencourt Technological Innovation Chair at Collège de France in 2011-2012, and was elected at the French Academy of Engineering in 2015 and the French Academy of Sciences in 2017.

The workshop is organised by Jean Ponce (Inria/NYU) and Philippe Souères (LAAS-CNRS).

This one-day workshop will be held at Collège de France on July 11, 2022, with opening remarks by Stéphane Mallat, Professor at Collège de France, Chair of Data Sciences and a PRAIRIE colleague of Jean-Paul Laumond. Confirmed speakers include Alin Albu-Schäffer (TUM), Daniel Andler (Sorbonne Université and ENS-PSL), Antonio Bicchi (Pisa), John Canny (UC Berkeley), Justin Carpentier (Inria), Alessandro De Luca (Sapienza), Ken Goldberg (UC Berkeley), Vincent Hayward (Sorbonne Université), Matt Mason (CMU), Katja Mombaur (Waterloo), Céline Pieters (Vienna), Jean Ponce (Inria), Philippe Souères (LAAS-CNRS) and Eiichi Yoshida (Tokyo University of Science).

Financial support is provided in part by PRAIRIE, Collège de France, LAAS-CNRS and Paul Jacobs.

Speakers & Abstracts



/version française/

Workshop en l’honneur de Jean-Paul Laumond

11 juillet 2022

Collège de France, 11 place Marcelin Berthelot, 75005 Paris, Amphithéâtre  Maurice Halbwachs, rez-de-chaussé du Collège de France, après l’accueil

L’inscription a été clôturée.

L’Institut 3IA PRAIRIE, le LAAS-CNRS et le Collège de France sont heureux de vous inviter à un workshop international en l’honneur de Jean-Paul Laumond, disparu en décembre dernier, l’une des figures marquantes de la robotique, mondialement connu pour ses travaux sur la commande des robots non-holonomes, la planification de mouvement et la robotique humanoïde. Directeur de Recherche au CNRS, Jean-Paul Laumond a effectué l’essentiel de sa carrière au LAAS-CNRS de Toulouse, où il a notamment créé et dirigé l’équipe de recherche Gepetto ainsi que la société Kineo Cam, avant de rejoindre l’équipe Willow du DI/ENS, unité mixte de l’ENS-PSL, du CNRS et d’Inria et de se voir attribuer une des premières Chaires de PRAIRIE en 2019. Il a occupé la Chaire d’innovation technologique Liliane Bettencourt au Collège de France en 2011-2012, et a été élu à l’Académie des Technologies en 2015 et à l’Académie des Sciences en 2017.

Le workshop est organisé par Jean Ponce (Inria/NYU) et Philippe Souères (LAAS-CNRS).

Ce workshop se tiendra au Collège de France le 11 juillet 2022 et s’ouvrira sur une intervention de Stéphane Mallat, professeur au Collège de France, titulaire de la chaire Sciences des données et collègue de Jean-Paul Laumond au sein de PRAIRIE. La liste des conférenciers confirmés inclut Alin Albu-Schäffer (TUM), Daniel Andler (Sorbonne Université et ENS-PSL), Antonio Bicchi (Pise), John Canny (UC Berkeley), Justin Carpentier (Inria), Alessandro De Luca (Sapienza), Ken Goldberg (UC Berkeley), Vincent Hayward (Sorbonne Université), Matt Mason (CMU), Katja Mombaur (Waterloo), Céline Pieters (Vienne), Jean Ponce (Inria), Philippe Souères (LAAS-CNRS) et Eiichi Yoshida (Tokyo University of Science).

Le workshop est financé en partie par PRAIRIE, le Collège de France, le LAAS-CNRS et Paul Jacobs.



Workshops & Seminars

Colloque “Mythes et Machines”


L’auditorium André et Liliane Bettencourt de l’Institut de France.


Un colloque intitulé : Mythes et Machines — Robotique et Intelligence Artificielle : penser la technologie aujourd’hui se tiendra le 24 novembre à l’auditorium André et Liliane Bettencourt de l’Institut de France.

Organisé par l’Académie des sciences et l’Académie des sciences morales et politiques, en partenariat avec le programme TESaCO et le soutien de l’institut 3IA Prairie, l’objectif du colloque est de faire dialoguer dans un même lieu, scientifiques et chercheurs en sciences humaines pour mieux comprendre comment se forge l’imaginaire collectif, un préalable à tout débat éthique et à toute décision politique sur les enjeux liés aux nouvelles technologies.

Orateurs :

  • Daniel ANDLER, Université de Paris-Sorbonne, Académie des sciences morales et politiques
  • Stefana BROADBENT, Ecole polytechnique de Milan
  • Sébastien CANDEL, CentraleSupélec, Académie des sciences
  • Patrick CHASTENET, Université de Bordeaux
  • François DELAROZIÈRE, directeur artistique, compagnie La Machine
  • Yves FRÉGNAC, CNRS, Unité de Neurosciences, Information et Complexité
  • Jean-Paul LAUMOND, CNRS/INRIA, Académie des sciences
  • Yann LE CUN, New-York University, Facebook
  • Gentiane VENTURE, Université d’agriculture et de technologie de Tokyo et l’AIST

Deux tables rondes sur les thèmes :

  • Le mythe de l’imitation du vivant
  • Nouvelles technologies et culture contemporaine 
Workshops & Seminars

Workshop “After ChatGPT: where do we stand with language models?”

14h - 17h30

Ecole normale supérieure, Salle des résistants, RDC, 45 rue d’Ulm 75005 Paris

Programme online:

Registration: free entry, but please indicate your name here

(remote attending should be possible; the link will be sent to participants who have indicated their email address in the file above)

*** Argument ***

Language models (such as BERT, GPT3, ChatGPT… and soon GPT4) have deeply changed the landscape of research in natural language processing in recent years. These models have permitted previously unseen results on many tasks and in many languages. At the same time, their internal mechanisms remain rather opaque, and is the subject of intense research (Bertology). This situation raises many questions.

– Can we say that these models ‘understand’ language? And if so, in what way? To what extent?

– What is their interest and their benefits for research outside NLP? For creative work?

– On a practical side, how can we deal with them and/or integrate them into our research, given the computing power required to train them? Have we become dependent on the major (often private) players in the field?

– What are the limits of these models and their potential dangers?

We will probably not have all the answers to these questions on January 11, but this workshop will at least be an opportunity to think about these models, with various actors in the field, both private and public.

*** Programme ***

(presentations will be in English)

* 2 – 2.45pm – Thea Sommeesheild (U. Ca Foscari, Venice):  ”Fair AI for ancient languages: a proposal for dos and don’ts”, presentation following her experience in the framework of the Ithaca project (Thea Sommershield will also give a presentation the day before, more directly dedicated to the Ithaca project, in the framework of the DHAI seminar,

* 2:45 – 3.30pm – Tm Van De Cruys (KU. Leuven, Belgium): Using language models for poetry generation, language models and creation

* 3:30 – 4:15pm – Laurent Daudet and Olga Lopusanschi (LightOn, Paris) “I need my own ! Developing private Large Language Models”, on the development of language models within a start-up like LightOn.

* 4:30 – 5:30pm – Debate on the current situation, research and future of these models. Discussion with the speakers and with Anne Bouverot (Abeona Foundation)

* 5:30pm – Thierry Poibeau : Wrap-up

*** Sponsors ***

Organized with the support of Lattice ( and of Prairie (

Workshops & Seminars

Interplay between AI and mathematical modelling in the post-structural genomics era

20/03/2023 - 24/03/2023


The event will bring together experts from the machine learning, mathematical modelling and computational biology communities. The conference will highlight recent developments at the interface of these areas, focusing on protein and nucleic acid sequences, structures and functions. Contributions addressing relevant questions of methodology, applications, and synergies with experimental biology are welcome.

Description and Pre-registration

Deadline December 31, 2022. 

This conference is part of the DaiSB (Directions in AI for Structural Biology) series, which started in 2021. Detailed information about the previous edition can be found here.

Workshops & Seminars

Interdisciplinary Seminar ‘Algorithms and Society’

15h30 -17h00

Université Paris Dauphine, Room A 707

Frédéric Marty : Artificial intelligence and consumer manipulations: from consumer’s counter algorithms to firm’s self-regulation tools. Frédéric Marty is CNRS research fellow in economics at the GREDEG, Université de Côte d’Azur (Nice). He is Associate fellow in OFCE (Sciences Po. Paris) and CIRANO (Montréal). He currently works on competition law and economics and focuses on IA and market manipulation.

The Interdisciplinary Seminar ‘Algorithms and Society’ (ISAS) focuses on the societal, legal, political and economic issues related to the development of algorithmic decisions. It aims at confronting the perspectives brought by the different specialists, by emphasizing the definitions of the key concepts and by supporting the interdisciplinary exchanges between social sciences, data science and artificial intelligence specialists. Conveners : Thierry Kirat (IRISSO) & Alexis Tsoukiàs (LAMSADE).

Workshops & Seminars

Colloque Français d’Intelligence Artificielle en Imagerie Biomédicale (IABM 2023)


Institut Curie à Paris (5ème arrondissement)

IABM 2023 is co-organised by 3IA Institutes: MIAI Grenoble Alpes, 3IA Cote d’Azur and PR[AI]RIE Institute.

More information:

Workshops & Seminars

The 2nd edition of the 3IA Doctoral Workshop

21-22 November 2022

IMAG Building, Grenoble

The 3IA Workshop will take place on 21-22 November 2022 in Grenoble and will gather PhD students, postdocs and researchers from the four 3IA Institutes: ANITI, 3iA Côte d’Azur, MIAI and PRAIRIE.

PhD students and Post-docs are invited to give a 15 minutes talk or a poster presentation of their work.

Registration Deadline: Sunday 9th of October 2022:

Workshops & Seminars

Conférence « Ecologie et Intelligence artificielle » – PR[AI]RIE / ENS-PSL

17h00 -19h00

Salle Dussane, Ecole normale supérieure, 45 rue d’Ulm, 75005 Paris

Anne-Laure Ligozat (Maîtresse de conférences HDR en informatique au LISN et à l’ENSIIE, GDS EcoInfo)

Marc Leobet (Directeur de projet « IA et Transition écologique », Ministère de la transition écologique)

Pierre Arbelet (Tech Lead, Genesis)

Comment s’accorder sur un juste équilibre entre technologie et environnement ?

La conférence s’adresse à un public large (chercheurs, étudiants, professionnels, grand public) et se veut un lieu d’information, d’échange et de débat collectif sur un sujet qui concerne la société dans son ensemble.

Programme détaillé :

Entrée libre, sans inscription. Conférence en français.

Workshops & Seminars

Atelier : « L’impact de l’Intelligence artificielle sur le travail »

21 March
14h - 17h

Ecole normale supérieure

Salle de séminaire du département de sciences des données (3e étage, couloir entre les escalier B et C), 45 rue d’Ulm, 75005 Paris

Laure Bourgois, Antonio A. Casilli, Tanya Perelmuter, Thierry Poibeau


Entrée libre, sans inscription

Atelier organisé dans le cadre de l’initiative AIS (Artificial Intelligence and Society,, avec le soutien de l’Institut 3IA Prairie (

De nombreux débats ont lieu sur l’avenir du travail face au développement de l’Intelligence Artificielle : combien de métiers seront touchés à un horizon plus ou moins proche, avec quelles conséquences (Frey et Osborne, 2017) ? Mais, en fait, de nombreux métiers connaissent déjà de grands changements dus à l’IA. Ce sont ces perspectives actuelles que nous souhaitons interroger à travers cet atelier rassemblant considération théoriques et surtout exemples pratiques.

*** Programme ***

14h-15h :  Antonio Casilli  (Télécom Paris / EHESS) : « Une approche de bout-en-bout de l’éthique de l’IA : les dimensions socio-économiques de la production et du déploiement de l’automatisation »

15h-15h45 :  Thierry Poibeau (CNRS, ENS/PSL & Institut 3IA Prairie) : « Comment la traduction automatique a bouleversé le métier de traducteur »

15h45-16h :  Pause

16h-17h : Discussion : l’IA et le travail, comment assurer formation, égalité des chances et diversité ?, avec Tanya Perelmuter (fondation Abeona) et Laure Bourgois (entrepreneuse, directrice de Codataschool)

Workshops & Seminars

Conférence “Women in AI”


Les intervenantes

A l’occasion de la Journée internationale des femmes et filles de science, les Instituts interdisciplinaires d’Intelligence Artificielle (3IA) de Grenoble, Nice, Paris et Toulouse organisent la seconde édition de “Women in AI” et vous invitent à une conférence en ligne qui se tiendra le 11 février de 11h à 12h30.

Pourquoi est-il important d’avoir une égalité homme-femme dans le monde de l’IA ? Qu’apportent les femmes aujourd’hui au monde de l’IA ? Comment encourager les femmes à aller vers les métiers de l’intelligence artificielle ?

Académiques, universitaires, entrepreneures, industrielles et professionnelles de l’IA se réunissent à l’occasion d’une table ronde qui leur permettra de nous parler de leur parcours, nous partager leurs expériences de “femmes et filles de sciences” et de répondre aux questions que nous nous posons, toutes et tous sur l’IA.

👉 Inscriptions :

👉 Plus d’infos :

Workshops & Seminars

DHAI Seminar

12h00 - 14h

“Analysing discourse and semantics through geometrical representations”

Biased Auctioneers” (with Mathieu Aubry, Roman Kräussl, and Gustavo Manso)

Speakers: Armin POURNAKI (Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences), Christophe Spaenjers (HEC Paris)


The videos can be found here and here.

Workshops & Seminars

Statlearn workshop


Institut d’Etudes Scientifiques de Cargèse in Corsica

The Statlearn Spring School will welcome several lecturers :
• Aurélie BOISBUNON – Datascientist, MyDataModels, Nice (France): Practical applications of the L1 penalty.
• Claire BOYER- Assistant professor in Statistics, Sorbonne Université, Paris (France) : Benign overfitting & double descent + Inference & learning with missing values.
• Julien MAIRAL – Researcher in machine learning, INRIA, Grenoble (France): Large-scale optimisation.
• Brendan Murphy – Full professor in Statistics,  University College, School of Mathematics & Statistics, Dublin (Ireland): Model based clustering.

Statlearn is a scientific workshop of the French Society of Statistics (SFdS) which focuses on current and upcoming trends in Statistical Learning. Conferences and tutorials are organized alternatively every other year since 2010. In 2022, a one-week spring-school will be held on April, 3-8, at the Institut d’Etudes Scientifiques de Cargèse in Corsica.

Pre-registration form, venue information, program details are available on Statlearn website:

Workshops & Seminars

Workshop “Which paths to achieve fairness in algorithmic decisions?”

9-10 December 2021

The workshop will address possible current and future paths to achieve fairness in algorithmic decisions, both private and public.

The workshop will be multidisciplinary, with a focus on the intersection and cross-fertilization of computer science, law, and policy analysis. It will address the question of how to regulate algorithmic decisions, through hard law or soft law. It will also address the possibilities and obstacles to complementarity between computer science and legal approaches to fairness. Finally, the workshop will aim to shed light on the policy issues surrounding explicable, transparent and accountable algorithms.

Programme and registration on this link

Workshops & Seminars

Online workshop “Complex and Simple Models of Multidimensional Data : from graphs to neural networks

1 December 2021

Speakers: Cees van Leeuwen, Ivan Tyukin, Luca Pinello, Andrei Zinovyev

Real-life datasets are characterized by a variety of geometries, topologies, ambient and intrinsic dimensionalities. In order to deal with this variety and complexity, we need to develop appropriate theoretical models of the data, able to capture their properties. Graph-based (such as principal graphs based on application of topological grammars) and neural network-based (such as non-linear autoencoders) methods have become popular recently in machine learning field and in practical applications such as the analysis of single cell molecular data. Simpler data models can be easier to manage and interpret but can miss important aspects of geometrical multidimensional data organization, while more complex models might be difficult to train and avoid overfitting. Any practical data analysis should determine a match between the data and the data model complexities. The purpose of this workshop is to collect early career and experienced researchers interested in the questions related to dealing with multidimensional data and data models.

Programme and registration:

Workshops & Seminars

4th course on Computational Systems Biology of Cancer: Multi-omics and Machine Learning Approaches

27/08/2021 - 01/10/2021

This is the second real-time virtual course co-organized together with FEBS. The first edition held in 2020 included 25 international speakers and had around 200 participants from 31 countries and all 5 continents.

The list of speakers can be found here:

Registration deadline is 10th September. All practical information are available here.

Online event

Workshops & Seminars

The NeurIPS Workshop “Optimal Transport and Machine Learning”

13-14 December

Numerous speakers, a thorough list is available here

Submission of contributed papers is open, and more information can be found on the web site of the workshop (

Workshops & Seminars

The representation of language in brains and machines

24/06/2021 - 25/06/2021

The program can be found here

This is an online event, the link to connect is here

Workshops & Seminars

ISB@CIRM: a mirror workshop

28/06 - 02/07/2021

This workshop aims at gathering participants to the virtual Bayesian World meeting ISBA 2021 (postponed from 2020) of 28 June -0 02 July towards producing interactions and helping with the integration of PhD students and junior researchers.

This is an online event, more info can be found here

The program can be found here

Workshops & Seminars

French-German Machine Learning Symposium

10/05/2021 - 11/05/2021

The French-German Machine Learning Symposium aims to strengthen interactions and inspire collaborations between both countries. We invited some of the leading ML researchers from France and Germany to this two day symposium to give a glimpse into their research, and engage in discussions on the future of machine learning and how to strengthen research collaborations in ML between France and Germany.

The symposium will be virtual (Zoom). All scientific talks will be streamed on YouTube for the public. The panel discussions will not be live-streamed.

More information can be found here.

Workshops & Seminars

Virtual workshop “Leveraging Observational Data With Machine Learning”

22/06/2021 - 23/06/2021

The objective of this workshop is to:

  • bring together main actors working with observational or real-world data, and developing biostatistics and machine learning models for causal inference
  • present the state of the art in dynamic treatment regime (DRT)
  • highlight the complementarity of using both Structural Causal Model and Potential Outcome point of views
  • present the possibilities offered by real word data and by the integration of real word data and RCTs
    • Validate observational studies
    • Generalize the treatment effect in a target patient population
    • Better estimate the (heterogeneous) effects
    • Handle unobserved confounders
    • Help better designing RCT with better external validity
  • discuss about which real word data should be collected
  • promote collaboration between the different actors

This is an online event

More information can be found here.