Workshops & Seminars
Virtual workshop “Leveraging Observational Data With Machine Learning”
22/06/2021 -
The objective of this workshop is to:
- bring together main actors working with observational or real-world data, and developing biostatistics and machine learning models for causal inference
- present the state of the art in dynamic treatment regime (DRT)
- highlight the complementarity of using both Structural Causal Model and Potential Outcome point of views
- present the possibilities offered by real word data and by the integration of real word data and RCTs
- Validate observational studies
- Generalize the treatment effect in a target patient population
- Better estimate the (heterogeneous) effects
- Handle unobserved confounders
- Help better designing RCT with better external validity
- discuss about which real word data should be collected
- promote collaboration between the different actors
This is an online event
More information can be found here.