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Online Winter School on AI for Health


The event will take place online. Registration will close on 1 December: https://ai4healthschool.org/

Please find the list of speakers here.

With three days of plenary sessions with lectures and use cases (January 10th-12th) led by international experts, accompanied by two days of hands-on practical sessions (January 13th and 14th), this Winter School will cover the latest advances in the field of data science and AI applied to health.

The school is aimed at students (final year masters, PhD), post-docs, academics, members of public institutions, and professionals. In order to participate in the practical sessions, basic knowledge in machine learning and python is required.

Event flyer

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Conférence IA

16&17 November

Institut Henri Poincaré

Programme and registration : https://indico.math.cnrs.fr/event/6681/

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Thematic week on Artificial Intelligence and Ethics


In the framework of the PSL intensive weeks, a thematic week on Artificial Intelligence and Ethics will be organized from 22 to 26 November 2021 at Université Paris-Dauphine. Originally a course within the IASD Master, the intensive week will this year be open to more students from PSL and other universities (depending on availability). The course will contain lectures, practical work on different use cases and presentations by students.

Contact within Prairie : Thierry Poibeau

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Webinaire «Intelligence artificielle : les femmes aussi»

16h - 17h15





Sihame Aara, Data scientist, cheffe de produit Microsoft Azure, data & AI

Céline Castets-Renar, Professeure à la Faculté de droit de l’Université d’Ottawa et titulaire de la chaire Aniti « Accountable AI in a Global Context »

Marjorie Allain-Moule, Responsable innovation IA et data de CS Group, industrial coordinator et co-pilote de la commission mixité d’Aniti

Flora Vincen, Autrice de « L’intelligence artificielle, pas sans elles ! » et co-fondatrice de Wax Science

Un webinaire animé par : Emmanuelle DURAND-RODRIGUEZ, Journaliste, Membre de Toulouse is AI

Toulouse is AI en partenariat avec le Pôle de Compétitivité Aerospace Valley vous convie au webinaire « Intelligence artificielle : les femmes aussi »

  • Comment construire une intelligence artificielle inclusive et non sexiste ? 
  • Comment augmenter le nombre de femmes dans les secteurs du numérique et de l’IA ?
  • Comment utiliser la technologie pour réduire les biais et stéréotypes de genre ?

Un webinaire qui vous est proposé en partenariat avec Aniti, CNRS Occitanie, Femmes & Sciences, Le Club de la Presse Occitanie, Le Quai des Savoirs, dans le cadre de la semaine « Les femmes scientifiques sortent de l’ombre ».

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1st Reinforcement Learning Virtual School

15/03/2021 - 09/04/2021

virtual event

More information: https://rlvs.aniti.fr/




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Conférence Nationale en Intelligence Artificielle

28/06/2021 - 30/06/2021





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International conference on AI in Work, Innovation, Productivity and Skills


Registration: https://oecd-events.org/ai-wips

Justine Cassell, PRAIRIE Chair, is giving an opening keynote on 1 February.




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Human-centric AI : 2nd French-German-Japanese Symposium


Online venue : Laval Virtual Green Center: https://www.ai-symposium-france-germany-japan.com/index

Event in English







Other Events

2021 Winter School on AI for Health


The Winter School will take place at the Cordeliers, a historic site in the heart of Paris, generously provided by the University of Paris.

Registration info will be available here.

  • Sophia Ananiadou (UK), Director at the National Centre for Text Mining (UK), Turing Fellow and Chair in Computer Science at the University of Manchester, on “Biomedical Text Mining: methods, tools and applications”
  • Michael Bronstein (UK), Professor & Chair in Machine Learning and Pattern Recognition at Imperial College London
    Head of Graph Learning Research, Twitter, UK,
    on “Geometric deep learning on graphs and manifolds: going beyond Euclidean data”
  • Dorin Comaniciu (USA), Senior Vice President for AI and Digital Innovation at Siemens Healthineers, on “Artificial Intelligence for Healthcare: The Road Ahead”
  • Anna Goldenberg (Canada), Varma Family Chair in Biomedical Informatics and Artificial Intelligence and Senior Scientist (Genetics and Genome Biology), at the Hospital for Sick Children Associate Research Director (Health) at the Vector Institute Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science at the University of Toronto, on “Machine Learning for Computational Biology and Healthcare”
  • Pearse Keane (UK), Associate Professor at UCL Institute of Ophthalmology, UK, Consultant Surgeon at Moorfield’s Eye Hospital, UK, on “Transforming healthcare with artificial intelligence – lessons from ophthalmology”
  • Susan Murphy (USA), Professor of Statistics, Professor of Computer Science at the Harvard John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Radcliffe Alumnae Professor at the Radcliffe Institute, Harvard University, on “Challenges in Developing Online Learning and Experimentation Algorithms in Mobile Health”
  • Adrian Weller (UK), Programme Director for AI at the Alan Turing Institute, UK, Principal Research Fellow at the University of Cambridge, UK, on “Trust and Transparency”
  • …plus many more experts leading practical sessions.


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Inauguration of the PRAIRIE Institute
