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2023 French Young Talent award for Virginie Do


2023 French Young Talent award for Virginie Do

Virginie Do, a former PR[AI]RIE/Meta PhD student, is one of the recipients of the 2023 French Young Talent award for Women in Science.

Crédit photo : Clémence Losfeld

Every year, the L’Oréal-Unesco Young French Talent Award for Women in Science recognises 35 talented women scientists at PhD and post-doctoral levels, with the purpose to encourage more scientific vocations in the next generation and to combat gender inequalities in science.

Virginie Do is a former PhD student in computer science at META and the Laboratoire d’Analyse et de Modélisation de Systèmes pour l’Aide à la Décision (LAMSADE). This award recognizes her PhD research on Responsible AI.
