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2019 Cor Baayen Young Researcher Award for Ninon Burgos


2019 Cor Baayen Young Researcher Award for Ninon Burgos

Ninon Burgos won the prestigious ERCIM Cor Baayen Young Researcher Award for her work on computational imaging of neurodegenerative diseases.

The award was presented at the end of October in Rome during the European Computer Science Summit (ECSS). The Cor Baayen Young Researcher Award is awarded each year to a promising young researcher in computer science or applied mathematics. It recognises the outstanding scientific quality of research and the impact it has already had on science and society.

Currently working in the ARAMIS Joint Project Team located at the Brain and Spine Institute (Institut du cerveau et de la moelle épinière – ICM), a multidisciplinary laboratory affiliated to several research institutions, including Inria Paris, CNRS, Inserm and Sorbonne Université, Ninon Burgos’ research involves developing computational imaging tools to improve our understanding and diagnosis of dementia.

More information: (in English) (in French)