Projects SHS (Humanities and Social Sciences)

AI at the Border

Project Leader

J. Peter Burgess is professor of philosophy and political science, and Director of the AXA Chair in Geopolitics of Risk at École Normale Supérieure, Paris. His research concerns the meeting place between culture, politics and technology, with emphasis on questions of risk and uncertainty.


Sarah Perret is a Researcher in International politics and political science at the Chair and is the principal collaborator in the ANR-PrAIrie project entitled ‘AI at the border’. The project aims to study the imaginaries at work in the European agency eu-LISA (the European Union Agency for the Operational Management of Large-Scale IT Systems in the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice) as a socio-technical ‘interface’ site.  

Project abstract


Bunka: Using AI and Cognitive Sciences to build an Exploration Engine

Project Leader

Research Director at the CNRS and Professor at the Ecole Normale Supérieure – PSL University in Paris. Supervisor of the Computational Cultural Sciences team. Co-founder of Bunka, an exploration engine using social media data.

Project abstract


Les Passés artificiels / Artificial Pasts: lost texts and manuscripts that never were

Jean-Baptiste CAMPS
Jean-Baptiste CAMPS
Project Leader

Jean-Baptiste Camps is Associate Professor in Computational Philology at the École nationale des chartes, PSL. He obtained his PhD from Paris-Sorbonne in 2016, in Medieval Studies, and specialises in combining deep learning approaches, computational text analysis and historical methods to investigate the data of the past, close and remote, and to address open questions or solve long standing issues. With Ariane Pinche and Thibault Clérice, he won the 2019 Fortier Prize of the Digital Humanities Conference for Stylometry for Noisy Medieval Data. His stylometric research also appeared in Science Advances, other journals and in a book co-written with Florian Cafiero (Affaires de style, 2022).

Project abstract



Matthieu HUSSON
Matthieu HUSSON
Project Leader

Matthieu Husson, is a CNRS researcher in the History of Astral Sciences team at SYRTE laboratory (UMR 8630) in Paris Observatory. His work focuses on the history of astronomy and digital humanities. He is the PI of the ERC project ALFA (CoG 723085, 2017-2022) which addresses the Alfonsine astronomical tradition which dominated Europe from the end of the 13th century to the 16th century. He is also the scientific coordinator of the Digital Humanities project DISHAS which has developed, over the last 5 years, a set of digital tools to edit, analyse, and visualise sets of astronomical tables from traditions ranging from China to Europe working with a consortium of partners in Europe, India, China and New Zealand.

Postdoctoral researcher
MA (Mathematics), MA (History of Science), PhD (History of Science), University of Wisconsin-Madison

Project abstract


Natural Language Inference and Inference in Natural Language

Project Leader

Professeur des universités at Ecole Normale Supérieure’s Department of Cognitive Studies (DEC), a member of Institut Jean-Nicod, and the principal investigator in the Agence Nationale de la Recherche grant Between Language and Reasoning.  I got my PhD at New York University’s Department of Linguistics in 2014, where I wrote a dissertation on the relationship between human reasoning, natural language semantics, and the philosophy of language.  Between 2014 and 2016, I was a Junior Research Fellow at St Catherine’s College, Oxford, affiliated with the Faculty of Philosophy.

Project abstract


L’IA au service de l’action publique. Imaginaires sociotechniques et dispositifs de la « décision algorithmique »

Francesca MUSIANI
Francesca MUSIANI
Project Leader

Dr. Francesca Musiani is Associate Research Professor at the French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS). She is Deputy Director of the Center for Internet and Society of CNRS, which she co-founded in 2019. She is also an associate researcher at the Center for the sociology of innovation (i3/MINES ParisTech) and a Global Fellow at the Internet Governance Lab, American University in Washington, DC.

Dr. Olessia Kirtchik obtained a doctoral degree in sociology from the School of Advanced Studies in Social Sciences (EHESS) in Paris in 2007. In 2008-2011, she taught sociology at the Moscow School of Social and Economic Sciences (MSSES), and in 2009-2022, she was employed by the Higher School of Economics (HSE) in Moscow. As a principal researcher at HSE, she coordinated collective research projects on social history of mathematical economics and economic cybernetics in the Soviet Union during the Cold war, on “algorithmic rationality” and on the State planning committee during the late Soviet period. Her current research interests include the relations between SHS and artificial intelligence, and the role of digital technologies in the evolution of governance and public action.

Project abstract