Short Bio
Julia Kempe is a visiting researcher at CSD at the ENS and a part
time Visiting Senior Researcher at Meta FAIR Paris, while on leave from
NYU, where she is a Silver Professor of Computer Science, Mathematics
and Data Science at the NYU Center for Data Science and the Courant
Institute of Mathematical Sciences since 2018. From 2011-18 she worked
as a quantitative researcher in finance. Before that she was a Research
Director at the CNRS in Computer Science in Paris 7, and Associate
Professor of Computer Science at Tel Aviv University. She holds PhD
degrees in Mathematics from UC Berkeley and in Computer Science from
ENST. Her early works are in quantum computing and quantum complexity,
while more recently she has pivoted to machine learning and data
science. She has been awarded the CNRS Bronze Medal, the Prix Irene
Joliot-Curie for young researcher and the Krill Prize for Excellence in
Scientific research, among others.