Short bio
Olivier Colliot is Research Director at CNRS and the founding head of the ARAMIS Lab, a joint team between CNRS, Inria, Inserm and Sorbonne University at the Brain and Spine Institute (ICM). Founded in 2012, ARAMIS gathers about 35 people dedicated to data science and AI for studying diseases of the brain. Prior to that, Olivier Colliot obtained a PhD in Computer Science from Telecom ParisTech in 2003, was a postdoctoral fellow at McGill University from 2003 to 2005 and joined the CNRS as a permanent researcher in 2006. He is the author of over 120 journal papers, an Associate Editor of Medical Image Analysis, one of the two leading journals of the field, and a Conference Chair at SPIE Medical Imaging.
Topics of interest
Machine learning, computer vision, medical imaging, multimodal medical data (imaging, genomics)
Project in Prairie
His research will be dedicated to interpretable machine learning for neuroradiology. The main research threads are: i) the design of approaches for more interpretable AI, ii) generic computer-aided diagnosis systems, iii) integration of multimodal data and iv) methodologies for reproducible research. Medical applications will be devoted to neurological diseases, in particular using large-scale clinical routine data.
Brain imaging is a domain in which AI hold major promises. However, current systems are not interpretable and too narrow. These are major barriers to their adoption by clinicians. I firmly believe that fundamental research advances are needed to make systems more interpretable and generic. I hope that these ultimately lead to better diagnosis and care of patients. I am really excited to conduct this project within PRAIRIE, which will open new fruitful collaborations with academic and industrial partners. I also believe we have a major role to play in training in AI the next generation of engineers but also clinicians, that our country needs.