Short bio
Anne Bouverot spent most of her career in the technology sector and now advises a number of public and private technology companies. She is currently Chairperson of Cellnex, Europe’s leading operator of telecommunications infrastructure. She also chairs the Board of Ecole Normale Supérieure, France’s leading “grande école” in Science and Humanities. In 2018 she co-founded Fondation Abeona “Championing Responsible AI” on societal impacts of artificial intelligence. Notable programs include a visiting Chair on Social Justice and AI and an introductory MOOC already followed by more than 300 000 people. She spent the first 20 years of her career with Orange in a number of positions, then became Director General of the GSMA (Global Mobile Operators Association) and later CEO of Morpho (digital security and identity solutions). She is a graduate of Ecole Normale Supérieure in mathematics and holds a PhD in artificial intelligence.