Short bio
Vice-President in charge of research economical transfer and industrial partnerships.
Professor of Mathematics at the School of Medicine, Paris Cité University and associated Professor in the applied Mathematics department of Ecole Polytechnique. Manager of master programs and masterclasses in AI in healthcare.
Topics of interest
Statistical modelling, stochastic optimization, MCMC samplers, medical data analysis.
Project in Prairie
Stéphanie Allassonnière will focus on understanding diseases response to treatments and propose decision support systems for diagnosis and therapy. This will involve statistical modeling of clinical data, stochastic estimation in particular using mixed effect models. These research axes will require theoretical and methodological developments towards medical transfer. She will also be in charge of several programs as Bioentrepreneur master degree, IA masterclasses for physicians and co-develop the health track of the existing MVA master program.
Artificial intelligence is not well appreciated by medical doctors who fear being replaced by computers. By contrast, I believe that AI represents a unique chance for caregivers to assist them to better detect and care patients. For practitioners to take on this opportunity, we need to develop more robust and interpretable methods than the current state-of-the-art. This is what I will do within PRAIRIE by fostering multidisciplinary collaborations with Paris hospitals. I will also develop innovative training programs within the medical school to bridge the gap between computer scientists and physicians.