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Justine Cassell at the 3rd Trilateral Symposium on AI


Justine Cassell at the 3rd Trilateral Symposium on AI

What does it take to use AI appropriately? Experts from France, Germany and Japan met last week in Tokio at the 3rd Trilateral Symposium to discuss strategies to prepare society for the major role that AI will play in the future.

Justine Cassell, PR[AI]RIE chair, was there representing French Digital Council as PR[AI]RIE and Inria.

In the beginning of November, Justine Cassell also took part in The AI Quorum Retreat in Abu Dhabi that met to discuss the future of AI. The AI Quorum is a series of high-level gatherings designed to stimulate cutting-edge AI research with leading scientists and share an understanding of the discipline as a force for good.