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PRAIRIE Institute officially launched!


PRAIRIE Institute officially launched!

Wednesday 2nd of October saw the launch of PRAIRIE Institute. 21 founding members coming from academia and industry have joined forces to create an Institute for Interdisciplinary Research and Education in AI.

PRAIRIE stands for PaRis Artificial Intelligence Research Institute and its five-year objective is to bring together AI scientific and industrial leaders and become a world leader in AI. The founding members of PRAIRIE are: CNRS, Inria, Institut Pasteur, Université de Paris and Université PSL, together with 16 industrial partners: Amazon, Engie, Facebook, Faurecia, GE Healthcare, Google, IDEMIA, Microsoft, NAVER LABS, Nokia Bell Labs, DeepMind, Pfizer, PSA Group, SUEZ, Uber and Valeo.

Read more about the mission and goals of PRAIRIE.

The launch ceremony, which took place at the Université Paris Dauphine – PSL, gathered over 600 attendees. Take a look at the highlights from the day.